As I stepped forward to shoot the little square piece of paper, I could hear kids in the background playing on the playground. I held my air rifle up and got into position to shoot. Then I locked my eye on where I was aiming. A strong gust of wind flew past and almost knocked me of my feet so I shifted back to where I was. Now I was ready. I tried to find the trigger without moving the rifle. All of a sudden the target knocked down and I wasn't sure if i got a bullseye as there was a new hole. When the man picked it up sure enough the was a hole right through the centre! I was so exited. That was the best thing that day :) _______________________________________________________________Our writing was based on two photo's, A guy who had just started a run in the special Olympics Or a man about to shoot something. Another option was what happened at the Interschool Sports day. Instead I chose to do when I was at camp and I was doing Air Rifles. I hope you enjoy :)